Number of Pages: 116

Publisher: Academy of Islamic Research & Publications

Year of Publication: 1979

Book Description: The fundamental problem of modern Islam is how to get Muslim society forge ahead with renewed vigor, power and drive as a divinely guided society should and must. This question has exercised the lands of Muslims ever since the opening decades of the nineteenth century when they found themselves enfeebled by decadence within and confronted ...

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Speaking Plainly to the West

The fundamental problem of modern Islam is how to get Muslim society forge ahead with renewed vigor, power and drive as a divinely guided society should and must. This question has exercised the lands of Muslims ever since the opening decades of the nineteenth century when they found themselves enfeebled by decadence within and confronted with the growing might of the West striding forth In their lands in explosive restlessness.
Their Immediate reaction, and quite natural too, was that of a zealot who opposes the poli tical and military expansion of his adversary with all his might and at all costs.

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